Welcome to our website and our church! Our parish is located in the South End of Stamford, Connecticut minutes from Harbor Point and Long Island Sound. This website is designed specifically for the members of our community who would like to be in touch with Holy Name of Jesus Parish and all of our events. Also, this website contains information about our history and heritage. Whether you are an active member or a visitor, we hope you will come to visit our beautiful church to take advantage of what our Catholic Faith has to offer you personally and your family to grow in your faith in Jesus Christ.
Please support the Parish by using our Online Giving Program. Click the picture below to get started with the easy set up.
Prosimy o wsparcie naszej parafii poprzez zastosowanie “online giving”. Prosimy o kliknięcie na poniższe zdjęcie i zarejestrować sie jako użytkownik.
Dear Parishioners,
Considering the tremendous devastation and loss of life resulting from the fires in Los Angeles, Bishop Caggiano asks that we take up a special collection at Masses on the weekend of January 26/27. I am grateful for the generosity of our parishioners, and grateful also for your prayers for the thousands of people who have suffered terribly during this catastrophe.
Drodzy Parafianie,
Biorąc pod uwagę ogromne zniszczenia i ofiary w ludziach w wyniku pożarów w Los Angeles, Ks. Biskup Caggiano prosi, abyśmy przeprowadzili specjalną zbiórkę podczas wszystkich Mszy w weekend 26/27 stycznia. Jestem wdzięczny za hojność naszych parafian, a także za wasze modlitwy za tysiące ludzi, którzy strasznie ucierpieli podczas tej katastrofy.
Monday, Mass at 7:00PM
Msza św. o godz. 19:00
Meetings are 2nd and 4th Sundays
of the month at 6 PM.
Bishop Caggiano’s 2025 Bishop’s Appeal Message
My Dear Friends,
We have embarked on a great adventure for the spiritual and pastoral renewal of our diocese. We call this renewal “The One” because we stand together as one family, accompanying and assisting each other to transform lives. I come to you with a joyful and grateful heart to ask for your support of the 2025 Bishop’s Appeal, which gives us the resources to invite people to encounter Christ and be accompanied in faith.
An investment in the programs and ministries of the Appeal allows us to unite as One in Christ to bring to life all the diocesan ministries, programs, and agencies that deliver the pastoral care and human services that no single parish can provide on its own. Among the new ministries the Appeal will support are the Diocese of Bridgeport Guilds. These associations aim to deepen Christian discipleship and provide a network of support based on a common profession, interest, or vocation. This year, the diocese will introduce the St. Thomas More Guild for those in the legal profession and the St. Timothy Guild for young adults.
The diocese is also launching the Stephen Ministry, which is a ministry of accompaniment that provides one-to-one care for those in parishes and communities who are facing life difficulties, such as grief, divorce, job loss, or illness. We all know that a moment of sickness or suffering can be a personal challenge, but also a moment that allows us to experience the mercy, love and presence of Christ. For the chaplains and ministers who care for our sick, whose work is sponsored by the Appeal, we are deeply grateful. The Appeal also helps children by giving them an opportunity, though the Bishop’s Scholarship Fund, to unlock their potential and future.
Love in action is the work of Catholic Charities, which reaches out to those who are homeless, hungry, who are looking for employment and shelter, and who are looking for hope. The Appeal allows that noble work to continue.
At this moment in our nation’s history, there is a growing number of young adults searching for a new direction that will give them encouragement and hope. The Church will lead them to an encounter with Christ. Then, they can go out into the world and be his missionaries. The Appeal supports seminarian and diaconate education, and promotes initiatives that form youth and parents through the Institute for Catholic Formation.
So my friends, I thank you for your generosity and support, and I ask you to pray with me that the Holy Spirit will inspire the work we are doing — the work of renewal that will bear great fruit, not because of our efforts, but because He will have abundantly blessed what we do.
Thank you for your gift to the 2025 Bishop’s Appeal. May God bless you.
Most Reverend Frank J. Caggiano
Bishop of Bridgeport
Monday: 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Wednesday: 12:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Friday: 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM